
Nipple bleeding, cramping, involuntary pants wetting, vomiting, 4:45am wake up calls, chaffing, applying diaper rash ointment, sore knees, diarrhea, dehydration, blisters, and losing your toe nails. It was all worth it to finish the St. George Marathon this Saturday. For the second year in a row Mike ran the 26.2 miles to prove that he's the MAN!!!

Mike & Jake at the finish line

Mike with his proud parents


Here are the lastest pictures of Mae. We also have some wonderful news, we are going to Taiwan on Nov. 3rd to pick her up! We were able to make it through the court system over there at lighting speed. She'll be home in time to celebrate her 1st birthday on Nov.28th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We are so blessed.